How to Pest Proof Your Backyard Party – Mosquito Edition
As the weather starts to get warmer, we’re all ramping up for outdoor activities. This is the time of the year when everyone is opening up their pool, doing a little spring cleaning, and preparing for backyard celebrations as Father’s Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July are right around the corner.
Unfortunately, warm weather also means the presence of mosquitoes. They can be a real nuisance at your backyard party! Utilizing your pest control in your own backyard is important to keep your guests safe, protect your delicious party food and ensure that none of these sneaky – and potentially harmful – bugs make their way into your home. Let’s make your yard pest proof.
Mosquito Control
Everyone knows that mosquitos love standing water, and in the springtime, there’s the possibility of collected rainwater hiding around your yard. It only takes two days for a female mosquito to lay eggs and 10-14 days for them to hatch so the sooner you get your backyard treated for mosquitos, the better.
While you’re sprucing up your backyard this spring, scour the area for any items that collect water (flowerpots, birdbaths, pet water bowls, etc.), dump them out and clean them well once a week. Mosquitos thrive off of water that is contaminated with organic material (plants and dirt) because it provides them with the necessary nutrients.
Call in the Pros
To ensure that your backyard is pest proof and ready for all of this summer’s celebrations, call in a professional landscaping company to perform a thorough mosquito control process.
Pest control, especially when it comes to mosquitoes because they breed rampantly, is important to have completed on a regular basis. At Four Seasons Landscape Management, we come to your property and perform our mosquito control process throughout the months that mosquitoes are the most active. While we can’t guarantee you don’t see a single mosquito, we can guarantee that this will make your backyard parties safer this summer.
Attention to Detail
We make sure that we cover all the bases in your backyard: Under the deck, trees and shrubbery, and we will check for and treat or eliminate standing water. A safer, synthetic pest control product is used on trees and shrubbery where mosquitoes live in order to protect your lawn and family from harsh insecticides.
If mosquito control is something that you overlook while landscaping this year, you not only run the risk of ending up with dreadfully itchy, red bumps all over your body, but you are at risk of various diseases, too like Zika and Malaria.
Allow us at Four Seasons Landscape Management to pest-proof your backyard party this year. Book an estimate today and let’s get started!